Final year project
Providing inexperienced avalanche rescuers with a rapid and simplistic method of… [Read more]

A set of ski poles designed for back country skiers. The poles are designed to provide a visual cue on the surface of the snow in order to pinpoint the location of anyone buried in an avalanche. This would negate the need for both transceiver and probing searches, massively reducing rescue times and enabling inexperienced rescuers with a better chance at saving any buried victims.

Mandarin Oriental Hotel facade
Facade designed while on placement at Conttego. Designed from the ground up alongside a team of 2 other design engineers with whom I shared equal workload and responsibility. Each window is bespoke in dimensions and there are several thousand parts to each elevation.

Detail of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel facade

Shower chair
Shower chair designed and manufactured by myself - soon to be redesigned.

Event poster
Tom Adams
Final year project
Providing inexperienced avalanche rescuers with a rapid and simplistic method of location and extrication
Dorset Asset & Valter Prize Trust:1st place in the design category for bespoke shower chair
£300 prize awarded by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
95th percentile skiing ability
April 2014 - October 2017
Workshop Assistant , Alice Blogg
September 2018 - May 2019
Junior Design Engineer, Conttego