Final year project
Improving the accessibility of solid biomass fuel production, within independent coffee… [Read more]

Used grounds are widely sent to landfill by coffee retailers. Identifying an opportunity to process these grounds in-house and sell back to consumers, burna’bean utilises heat, aeration and compression to produce coffee briquettes. The high calorific compressed grounds act as a longer lasting fuel source for log burners than wood.

Mix & heat
The collected grounds are emptied into the bowl. Here, they are heated and stirred reducing the moisture content for better compaction, with the addition of a binding agent.

Working prototype
To prove the concept behind burna’bean, a fully functional prototype was manufactured.

chool – by Joyride
During my industrial placement at Spliced Studios Ltd. I was able to gain experience and have a hand in developing chool, a responsive modular hybrid seat.
Samuel Jandron
I am a practical individual whose strengths lie in the physical realisation of product ideas.
As a result of this, I am a strong believer of 'measure twice and cut once'.
My design process stems from a firm belief that good design is both sustainable and novel. By taking a user-centred approach to engage individuals with their environment and as a result evoke conscious thought around the delivered experience. Many of my projects tend to hold mechanical systems at their core where functionality and efficiency of output are key. My experience on placement and my dedication to producing logs of coffee have reaffirmed that my passion lies in getting hands on and bringing products to life.
Final year project
Improving the accessibility of solid biomass fuel production, within independent coffee retailers.
’20 Diploma in Professional Studies
September 2018 - August 2019
Product Designer, Spliced Studios Ltd.