Final year project
Improving the way in which we ferment foods at home [Read more]

Bubble - final year design practice
Currently, there is no suitable method for regulating the optimal environment for fermenting foods at home, while also managing the process from preparation through to fermentation.
The product provides users with the ability to control the fermentation process to allow for experimentation with different flavours and textures, while also giving the ability to control the overall hygiene and cleanliness of their environment.

Bubble - final year design practice
Regulating temperature, while also retaining moisture in the air is key for fermenting foods. The product allows users to maintain their desired temperature between 20-40 degrees Celsius.
The product allows users to control the environment they ferment foods in, with a set unit for storing cultures and containing the foods, helping reduce the space taken up in the kitchen.

Bubble - final year design practice
A mobile app can be used alongside the product to track the process and alert users on what stage the ferment is at, while also providing recipes and inspiration to keep the user engaged.

Bubble - final year design practice
Hygiene has been central to the design of the product, with features ensuring cleanliness is easily maintained, providing confidence in the cultured foods being full of healthy probiotics.

Switch. - live projects
Through consumer focus groups and questionnaires, an opportunity to enhance the home charging experience was highlighted. Fixed location wall sockets do not provide freedom to consumers looking to freely charge around the house, while portable chargers are often neglected within the home environment, being left uncharged and tucked away in a drawer.

Switch. - live projects
Switch is a modular power unit that allows consumers to adapt each module into an extension lead, wall socket extender or portable charging device.
Each Switch module, when used as a portable charger, can provide short amounts of charge to appliances like mobile phones, hair dryers or small kitchen appliances.
Consumers have the option to arrange the Switch modules however they desire due to the arrangement of connectors on every edge.

Bounce - bringing people together through food.
Many older members of society have vast amounts of experience and knowledge with no way of providing this to society after retirement. This experience would help the younger members of society with crucial life choices and insights into adulthood.
The application allows users to be connected with people in their communities for the purpose of either teaching, learning or simply socialising with those around them. Users can filter through peoples profiles to be connected and benefit from one another. This provides opportunities for the elderly members of our communities with vast amounts of experience in many different crafts to share their knowledge to younger members.
Samuel Hurman
I consider myself to be a passionate and motivated individual, I am always searching for the next opportunity and challenge to improve not only myself, but my designs.
As a designer, my focus is always on identifying problems and developing solutions that work. I have a particular interest in the business and marketing side of design. An ideal graduate role would allow me to develop skills and gain experience in the commercial aspects of the design process.
Final year project
Improving the way in which we ferment foods at home
I have experience working at Anco Storage Ltd, where i was part of a design team. I was given a variety of tasks during my time there, ranging from product photography and digital animations to attending exhibitions to develop the product range. I also worked alongside the graphic design team to help develop their catalogue and website.