Final year project
Enabling objective concussion diagnosis, by utilising detected salivary biomarkers [Read more]

The development
Double concussion makes a victim 60% more likely to suffer from dementia or depression in later life. There is an inherent lack of confidence in current mild concussion detection and diagnosis. This device removes the human behavioural and subjective decision making from the diagnosis of concussion, analysing molecular biomarkers present in saliva to detect minor brain injury, post exercise. Reducing the risk of Second-Impact syndrome.After taking into consideration multiple user insights and the product environment, various conceptual development and testing was carried out to develop an aesthetic that would create a positive human interaction.

The concept
A conceptual aesthetic, it utilises innovative research. High impact sport players could be analysed pitched within 10 minutes. Providing a saliva sample in a salivary cartridge coated in dye, a max of 30 samples can be placed in the circular cartridge tray. A sliding latch pulls down over the connecting compartments to lock off the device during the qPCR analysis. A LED ring provides product feedback on the current status of the saliva analysis, and then once the results have been sent to a concussion management app.

The science
Saliva samples are collected in qPCR cartridges post exercise. A rapid heat cycling process is completed to carry out a portable quantitative polymerase chain reaction array. New DNA helices in the saliva reacts with a precoated cyanine dye and is beamed with a high luminance light. Photodiodes detect the level of light bouncing back that has reacted with the coloured dye. If light is absorbed by the saliva, a concussion has occurred providing diagnosis via a management User Interface app. Intended for whole team use, players can be provided with a rapid diagnosis, and recovery prediction.

User Experience
In a world of digital disassociation, it can be hard to find enriching, authentic and organic experiences, that allow honest human connections to be made. LINK allows users to seek discomfort and creates a gateway to spontaneous events, utilising SmartCity data to understand user behaviour, friendship patterns and city infrastructure. Users can attend events that match their true nomadic adventure, but with no judgement and an open mind to new experiences. It allows users to really let go as the app automates event barriers to entry, creating a free and seamless environment.

MindWave is a personal mental health aid. As part of an IoT project, MindWave connected with augmented reality to provide calming and personalised environments. Accessory features included aromatherapy, lighting control and meditation. The aesthetic represents an organic wave, providing calming product semantics.

Designing for people
A dish washing brush redesigned with user experience in mind. Not only do users want to have comfortable and effective products, but also ethical, sustainable and diligent designs that consider the bigger picture. The dish brush utilised sustainable materials, charity ethical donation and a reusable service. Overall, for human emotive design it provides a richer human interaction.

Computer Aided Ergonomics - user research
I utilised Computer Aided Ergonomics during my placement year to carry out virtual ergonomic assessments using Jack Siemens. A useful tool for predicting potential MSD risks and accommodation issues. For the above university project, I was tasked to look at a competitors car a reverse engineer the level of international anthropometric accommodation that had been considered in the design. Initial user research was carried out to understand what is considered as accommodative driving, followed by the impact of human behaviour including realistic driving postures.

Computer Aided Ergonomics - virtual assessment.
Looking at a range of percentiles, I was able to calculate that the vehicle had been designed to accommodate a range from the 25th Percentile Japanese Female to the 99th Dutch Male. This was done by analysing vision cones, reach spheres and joint angles. Further analysis was carried out to look at realistic human factors that would change this targeted accommodation. For example, the ACADRE dataset was used to understand the impact of body irregularities, and proportions. A look into different body types allowed more in depth analysis that could be developed into design recommendations.
Joshua Fox
As a Design Ergonomist, I've got the skills to design a healthy and rich user experience, as well as utilise empathetic skills to develop products and services, that are built on the foundation of human behaviour and user research.
A User Centred Designer at heart, I have proven experience and skills in User Experience design, Human Factors, User Testing, Cognitive Ergonomics, Product Interaction, Behavioural/Emotive Design, Health + Safety and Design processes that are informed from user insights. I'm excited to find a career that entails a multitude of skills taught on the design ergonomics course. Looking for opportunities in User Research, Human Factors, Interaction, User Experience and User Centred Design.
‘Concussion, the hidden epidemic’, studying human behaviour and opportunities for concussion diagnosis in high impact sport
Final year project
Enabling objective concussion diagnosis, by utilising detected salivary biomarkers
'20 Diploma in Professional Studies - Completed a year in industry at Aston Martin.
'18 Academic Excellence Award - Highest grade overall in the course cohort.
Aston Martin Lagonda - Working in the fast paced, adaptive and bespoke manufacturing environment of Aston Martin. I managed and carried out current manufacturing Ergonomic Assessments with tools such as Sue Rogers, RULA, RUBA, ART, NIOSH for physiological aspects of the manufacturing environment. Design solutions were developed to reduce the risk of potential injury to employees including carrying out virtual reality assessments using Siemens JACK to design solutions for issues within early prototype stages. I managed all of the Hand Arm Vibration, Noise and Ergonomic Training across all of Aston Martins 14 sites. A job role that required monthly feedback to the Vice President of Manufacturing and weekly feedback to directors. The role was a 50/50 mix between factory floor/user interaction and progression plans for the companies ergonomic future. This included developing in house standards, ergonomic training, user testing procedures and exploration into researching innovative technologies such as exoskeletons, ergonomic suits etc. I completed independent projects. These included a User Interface (UI) re-design of the Health and Safety departments intranet increasing website efficiency. Another project exploring the impact shift work was having on the accident rates within the business understanding user differentiation and behavioural impacts. I also projected a pathway structure in place to job match users to the most appropriate station based on the current production line design, understanding then the current user map, and developing it to improve efficiency and safety of users. Lastly, I completed a project investigating the impact on safety culture designing behavioural nudges to enhance users experience but also improve the safety culture. It is important to note that I was the only Ergonomist for the 6 months, therefore managed all of Aston Martins 14 manufacturing sites from a Human Factors viewpoint, providing an enriched, developing but adaptive job experience. I took great zeal in educating stakeholders on the opportunities and reward of carrying out a user centred design process.
July 2018 - August 2019
Human Factors Ergonomist, Aston Martin Lagonda