Final year project
Empowering users with the ability to identify when the onset of… [Read more]

Clarity is a handheld device which straps onto your wrist, using a blood pressure cuff to identify the onset of Sepsis
The device allows users to test a multitude of symptoms at once, which include heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation and temperature. This enables the user to understand when a threshold is met and identify the possible onset of Sepsis. Combing these tests gives the user the ability to spot and react before symptoms become worst.

Olja is a home beauty and skin oil distillery which uses waste coffee grounds to infuse oils with beneficial properties
The project was conducted within a week time frame and looked at exploring an area in our lives where we create a significant amount of waste. Olja explores the combination of both the coffee and beauty industry.

Clarity can be stored, charged, and easily accessed using its stand
The stand charges the device using wireless charging, enabling it to be easily accessed when needed. Having an angled stand allows the user to have the best view of the device when stored. The back of the stand allows compact storage of the blood pressure cuff, neatly keeping it accessible.

Clarity syncs to an accompanying app to allow easy tracking and analysis of symptoms
The app allows the user to track and analyse their results in detail. Whilst giving access to healthcare professionals the app enables both the user and a doctor to predict and react to changes in symptoms. A community and forum section allows users to communicate with other users who are in the same situation. Allowing the fear level of potentially developing Sepsis to be supported.

Clarity handheld device is designed to fit perfectly in the palm of your hand
The handheld device is designed and shaped in order to fit comfortably in your the palm of your hand. This was crucial as it allows the user to use the device with ease, especially when testing for symptoms. Allowing them to efficiently get the test done when ill.

Olja consists of a modular components to allow easy accessibility for cleaning
Olja is styled in order to give off an artisan look, through the use of copper, glass and recycled plastic materials. The device is modular to allow easy cleaning of parts. The device works by heating a copper pan of water, in which steam rises through a sieve which holds coffee waste product on. The infused steam then rises until it hits a chamber of ice at the top, where it forms into water droplets and returns back down the funnel and into the beaker. This process can create coffee infused water and oil which has beneficial properties and can be used to make homemade beauty products.

Clarity safe guards against the use of over testing
The device only allows users to test after a certain time period has passed since there last test. This is so that people who are often hypochondriac or people who worry a lot don't get fixated on doing the test repeatedly. Therefore the user has to wait 30 minutes before performing the next test. Allowing significant time for symptoms to develop and provide accurate comparison.
Jack Taylor
I am a Product Designer who is enthusiastic about creating innovative and inventive ideas, whilst always looking to expand and improve my skills to push the boundaries of my projects.
Throughout my work I am always looking to design and create innovative solutions to problems with the user at the centre, whilst remaining passionate about developing meaningful products which deliver memorable experiences. My strengths consist of 3D CAD and Visualisation combined with styling, in order to create desirable and functional products.
Final year project
Empowering users with the ability to identify when the onset of sepsis occurs
'20 Diploma in Professional Studies
Before starting university, I was able to do two summer work experience at Seymour Powell and Factory Design. This allowed me to get a grasp and understanding at what two amazing design consultancies operate like and can achieve. This can me a wide understanding into what roles and opportunities you can go into as a designer. This also showed me the different skill sets you develop and enhance as you progress your career.
August 2018 - September 2019
Design Intern, Priestmangoode