Final year project
The effects of voluntary shivering supression on human thermoregulation in the… [Read more]

Mean percentage of maximum voluntary contraction plotted as a function of mean Tsk for intermittent suppression protocol (n=11)
Showing the two relationships between mean percentage of maximal voluntary contraction and mean Tsk and the ability of them to be manipulated throughout a cold exposure. Reversed scale for mean Tsk. This demonstrates the speed at which we are able to switch between suppression and free regulation.

Image of pilot work testing the effectiveness of blankets to shield the participants from the environment
Pilot work was key in ensuring a robust methodology and experimental set up. Here, an example of insulation testing can be seen. This was used to ensure base line data could be gathered prior to cold exposure.
Jack Lennon
This study assessed the impact of voluntary full suppression and intermittent suppression of shivering on human thermogenesis during a standardised cold exposure through observation of physiological responses.
Final year project
The effects of voluntary shivering supression on human thermoregulation in the cold
In my first year at Loughborough I received the award for academic excellence. This is awarded to the student who achieves the highest grade in their cohort.
I secured my one year industrial placement with the Royal Air Force Centre of Aviation Medicine in the Noise and Vibration Division. My year saw me project manage and participate in numerous in-flight noise and vibration assessments on multiple active and future military air frames. I also generated reports post data gathering an analysis which provided recommendations for PPE and allowable flying hours ensuring the safety of military and civilian aircrew.
June 2018 - June 2019
Acoustic Technician , Royal Air Force Centre of Aviation Medicine