Final year project
Improving the experience of at home testing for bowel cancer [Read more]

colocare - bowel cancer testing kit
Bowel cancer is the second deadliest form of cancer, often caught in the later stages survival rates can be drastically low. This disease is surrounded by stigma and testing is often delayed due to fear of results and embarrassment. ‘colocare’ focuses on simplifying the testing process, allowing users to test with assurance.

The device works through a biosensor 'used with permission of Oxford Mestar Ltd' which detects if haemoglobin is present in the stool. The biosensor in the testing cartridge connects with the electronics within the test reader in order to analyse the results.
'colocare' is to be used in the privacy of the user’s own home, although the test cartridge is single use the base is kept by the user and therefore a case is provided to allow the user to store the product with discretion.

colocare testing cartridge
The testing cartridge employs a similar mechanism to ball point pen in order to collect the sample.

colocare light
The testing cartridge slots onto the reader once the sample has been collected. A light will flash when the test is processing and will stay on once the test has been processed. This will signal to the user to check the connected app on their phone.

colocare app
As at home test results can often provide false results, a bluetooth connection allows 'colocare' to share test results with a healthcare practitioner, who is able to check thresholds before the user receives them to ensure accuracy of results. Once results have been verified, they are received via the app along with personalised actions for the user based on their results.
The app includes a symptom tracker, so that if necessary, a test cartridge can be sent out to the user as soon as possible. A community is also accessible via the app so that the user does not feel isolated especially if they receive positive test results.

colocare packaging
When a new user purchases the test they will provided with the whole kit, containing a testing base, testing tube, stool sling and case for the base. The product is part of a service which sends out a new testing tube to the user every six months in order to encourage routine testing. The new tube will be sent out in a foil pouch, this creates a sense of hygiene and freshness.
Charlotte Spall
I enjoy the challenge of designing products which create meaningful experiences and am passionate about learning new skills along the way.
I am an innovative and passionate individual, I believe my enthusiasm to acquire new knowledge has led me to developing a numerous amount of new skills over the course of my degree, which I hope to build on over the years to come. I relish pushing the boundaries and as a result for my final year project I decided to create a bowel cancer testing kit. As a subject which is often surrounded by a lot of stigma, I wanted to address this and highlight the importance of testing for this disease by designing a device which could be used with discretion and assurance, with the aim to encourage routine testing.
Over the course of my degree I have gravitated towards the more visual aspects of design and this was affirmed over my placement year. Therefore this is an area that I am keen to explore further during my career in design. Additionally, my placement year allowed me to appreciate the fast paced nature of a creative environment as I found myself constantly adapting to emerging trends and consumer needs. Having worked in the catering industry part time since the age of sixteen, I thrive in a fast paced environment and have a keen customer focus. I enjoy taking it upon my initiative to solve any needs that they may have.
During my time at University and over my placement year, I have honed not only my design proficiencies by becoming confident using softwares such as Creative Cloud, Sketch, Keyshot and Solidworks, but I have also built upon my communication, adaptability and time management skills. This has therefore helped me to build a strong foundation for my career in design.
To explore the differences in motivation to use online dating apps between male and female young adults in the UK
Final year project
Improving the experience of at home testing for bowel cancer
'20 Diploma in Professional Studies
For the first half of my placement year, I worked in Malaysia for DELCO, a design consultancy where I was part of a small team. I was therefore able to play an active role in the entire design process and I thoroughly enjoyed working with a diverse team and understanding client needs from an international market. Working at DELCO reinforced my passion for the more digital processes within design, as a result I wanted to explore this route during the remainder of my placement. For the second half of my placement year I worked in two user experience consultancies; my time at both Precedent and UX Connections were heavily focused on research and creating low fidelity and high fidelity prototypes, this included running workshops and regularly communicating with clients. Whilst at UX Connections I worked as the sole UX designer on several projects and this therefore required effective time management and communication skills to ensure that needs were met and exceeded.
Over the course of my degree I have been able to attend a number of events which have allowed me to broaden my horizons. During my second year at Loughborough, I participated in two workshops held by IBM, these were both one day events which involved being set a brief and working together in teams to design a product, these solutions then had to be pitched to the other teams at the end, requiring effective problem solving skills. Whilst on placement year I was fortunate enough to be able to attend 'Meet up' events, a particular highlight was a talk held by IDEO which focused on inclusivity in design, I found this conversation empowering and it left me inspired to push the boundaries of conventional design, an aspect which I wanted to bring forward into my final year.
August 2018 - December 2018
Design Intern, DELCO, Malaysia
February 2019 - April 2019
UX Consultant, Precedent
April 2019 - August 2019
UX Consultant, UX Connections