Final year project
Improving the quality of life for males with incontinence [Read more]

CASC - the comfortable and secure catheter
CASC is a reusable external catheter designed to improve the user’s overall quality of life. CASC allows the user to regain their confidence by increasing the comfort and security of the catheter system. Key innovations include; the application of Gecko skin technology within the sheath, the addition of quick release connections, a two-step operation valve, anti-kink tubing, greater materials choices and an easy clean system.

CASC - product system
Current catheters are designed to be one-time use products, which makes it difficult for users to stay on top of supplies. Differing from other systems available to users, CASC puts the user experience and product sustainability at precedence, featuring a reusable system that allows the user to order and replace system components at their accord.

CASC - development
CASC has been developed based on information provided by; catheter users, urology experts, health care professionals, materials and textiles experts. CASC utilises emerging technologies and high-quality materials to increase user comfort and security.

CASC - educating the user
When purchased, CASC includes an information leaflet containing the care and instruction details for the CASC system.

Designed for the make-up enthusiast, Llumi is the ultimate portable cosmetics mirror. Through modular design Llumi allows the user to completely customise their make-up experience.

EVA design development
Sketches from the ideation phase. Exploring numerous forms and shapes.

EVA is a DAB radio designed with a streamlined stylistic direction, specifically focusing on pulling inspiration from 1930s automotive streamlined styling.

Each week 11 million garments end up in landfill. The Seamless service promotes second-hand shopping and encourages users to successfully manage the contents of their wardrobe. Utilising RFID technology, the goal is to stop female millennials from over consuming and impulse buying occasion wear items.
Betsy Cousins
Design is important to me as it provides me with the opportunity to continually develop my skills, challenge myself and produce solutions to problems to the best of my ability. I am extremely driven, highly motivated and dedicated to my work.
For my final year project, I wanted to challenge myself; I chose a topic that was outside of my comfort zone and different to projects I had previously worked on. This led to me communicating with a wide variety of people, to obtain the information needed and ensure my final design proposal was completed to the best of my ability. CASC tackles real life issues catheter users face daily and was developed utilising information provided by; catheter users, urology experts and target users and with the help of materials and textiles specialists. I believe CASC has the potential to gain commercial awareness as it sheds light on a taboo topic.
I respond well to constructive criticism and am always seeking ways to improve my work, I put emphasis on continually practicing and developing my skills in order to reach my full potential. I have a genuine passion for design and have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Loughborough Design School and am excited to see what is in store for me next.
Final year project
Improving the quality of life for males with incontinence
’20 Diploma in Professional Studies
Academic Excellence Award received in October 2018 and issued by Vice Chancellor Professor Robert Allison and Pro Vice Chancellor. The award recognises outstanding performance in undergraduate study and is presented to the highest performing students from each academic School. I received this award for my work in my 2nd academic year at Loughborough Design School.
I worked at Gift Base UK for 3 months over the summer holidays in 2017; helping to create and package gifts in a small business environment, also working on Photoshop to produce finalised products ready to upload onto their website.
I worked as a customer assistant at Marks and Spencer for 2-3 years; working on the shop floor, on the checkout, replenishing stock and helping customers with any of their needs.
July 2018 - July 2019
Visualisation Intern, Diageo Innovation R&D